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Revival Prayers for my Life, my Church and my Country.

These "3 Revival Prayers for my Life, my Church and my Country" will help you invoke the Holy Spirit of God.

Each prayer is based on a biblical passage, and all the verses are concentrated in the book of Acts in the New Testament.

This book is par excellence the clear manifestation of the revival of the Holy Spirit, which we should all seek in prayer.

Therefore, pray like this...

Revival Prayers for my Life, my Church and my Country.

1. Prayer for Revival in my Life

Based on Acts 6:5-8

Holy Spirit,

Choose my life and fill me with you.

My faith is on fire and I am ready to do your will.

Allow someone with great faith to lay hands on me and anoint me with authority.

Use my talents and abilities to increase the knowledge of the word of the Lord wherever I go.

Make me a leader to disciple others who are beginning in the faith and so that this heavenly family may grow.

Fill me with grace and power to do great wonders and signs among the people.

I am yours and I am ready to do your good will, revive your gifts in me.

I ask you in the name of Jesus, amen.


2. Prayer for Revival in my Church

Based on Acts 1:14, 2:1-4 and 2:43-47

Spirit of God,

Look at my church, we are persevering unanimously in prayer.

We are crying out for a revival that will make history in this congregation.

Come Spirit of God, come suddenly, whenever you want.

Come with your strength, blow upon us, and distribute your gifts according to your wisdom.

Come and manifest your power with signs, wonders and wonders according to your good will.

Come to my church and fill us with your presence.

Manifest your power in us so that unbelievers may know that there is a living God, and may fear.

Come and begin a new season among those who await you, may this be your time with us.

Help us to persevere unanimously each day in the temple, praying and praising God.

Help us to share with those in need, with joy and simplicity of heart.

Help us to have favor with all the people around us; and add every day those who are to be saved.

Come Spirit of God and revive this church.

In the name of Jesus,



3. Prayer for Revival in my Country

Based on Acts 2:17-21 and 2:38-42

Spirit of the Lord Almighty,

Come to my country, come to this nation because we need salvation.

We live in the days when they call evil good, and good evil.

Please pour out your power on all flesh.

Let our sons and daughters prophesy, and let the young see visions.

Let the elderly dream of your wonderful revelations.

Pour out your power on your servants and maids so that they may speak with your authority.

Do wonders in the heavens above, and signs on the earth below through believers.

Manifest yourself so that everyone who calls on the name of Jesus may be saved in this country.

Let your presence produce repentance.

May they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and may they receive the gift that you want to give them.

May all the humble of heart be saved from this perverse generation!

Come Spirit of the Lord upon this country, and bring your revival upon us.

We ask this in the name of Jesus,



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