A Prayer for a Wife

A Prayer for a Wife

Great God of love, today I humbly approach your throne to ask for your help.

I searched for the right woman to become my partner in life, but I have not found her.

I know that you are the only God who knows everyone, and you know who will be the perfect wife for me; a virtuous woman.

This situation is causing affliction and anguish in my soul.

Lord God, I make this prayer asking for your help. I acknowledge that I know nothing of true love, although I may have it in front of me. Please listen to me.

Lead me to her just like you helped Isaac to find Rebekah, and later Jacob to meet Rachel.

But then again I understand that I need to act like a man behaving according to your image, in order to receive your blessing.

I am praying for a wife and I promise you God, that in the meantime I will not have casual affairs with other women. I know they will divert my heart away from my wife.

All those teasing me now because I am single, let them be ashamed of their words when they see the woman you chose for me.

When I finally meet her, I will make my love for her to reach the sky and my faithfulness up to the high clouds.

My kisses will satisfy her, and my love more than any other pleasure in life.

My love for her will always be constant and my covenant will remain faithful.

My love will accompany her and will endure all the way.

She will trust in me.

I will...

- always remember to show her tenderness.

- be a husband who is always willing to forgive.

- be gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love.

God, with your help I want to be a brave man that she can respect.

I want to be like you Jesus, to be the first to help when she needs it.

Because I will love her, I will not give her my back, but I will listen to her.

I want to learn to love her in such a way that she will talk to everyone about my love for her.

Help us grow a stable love, practicing forgiveness and eliminating mutual offenses.

I would rather eat vegetables spiced with love to a selection of meats with hatred.

When we form a family, help me guide it with wisdom and love.

If we had to live through difficult times, help us never split up from each other.

Although I am not a perfect man, I pray that she will never hate me. Lead her to cover my faults with love.

I bless her so that she will become:

- a wife who cares and supports me in my work, projects and ventures.

- like an olive tree that is flourishing because she trusts in my love forever.

- a loving and lovely woman; so that her beauty and her love will always be enough for me.

I pray that she will...

- never deny me her love and faithfulness.

- display an inexhaustible love towards our union.

I declare that only her love will satisfy me at all times.

And together we will enjoy the delights of love forever.

In the name of Jesus,



I'm so happy you just prayed "Praying for a Wife"!

If these lines touched your heart, I encourage you to make another prayer now before you leave this blog.

This next prayer is the MOST IMPORTANT PRAYER you could ever make.

- Why? Because it will affect your eternity.

Please follow this next link to make...

The Salvation Prayer


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A Prayer for a Wife was inspired on these Bible Verses: Genesis 1:26 - Genesis 24 - Genesis 29 - 1 Kings 11:1-2 - 1 Chronicles 16:34 - Psalm 13:5 - Psalm 25:6-7 - Psalm 31:3;7 - Psalm 33:22 - Psalm 36:5 - Psalm 52:8 - Psalm 57:10 - Psalm 63:3 - Psalm 85:7 - Psalm 86:17 - Psalm 89:28;33 - Psalm 90:14 - Psalm 92:2 - Psalm 94:18 - Psalm 103:8 - Psalm 119:149 - Psalm 132:10 - Psalm 136:4-9;12-18;23 - Proverbs 5:19 - Proverbs 7:18 - Proverbs 10:12 - Proverbs 15:17 - Proverbs 17:9 - Ecclesiastes 9:1 - Song of Solomon 1:2;7 - Images: Wife

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