Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ

The prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ is based on the biblical passage of Colossians 3: 1-3.

In these verses the apostle Paul reminds us that now that we have accepted Jesus as the son of God in our lives, we have to turn our attention to everything the Holy Spirit wants to reveal to us.

Those spiritual revelations are what will lift our lives to get out of the pit of despair, delay and failure in which we could be stuck.

These revelations are what will fill our soul with love, give health to our bodies and prosperity in all areas of our lives.

If this is what you want, then pray like this ...

Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for giving your life for me on the cross of Calvary.

Thank you for taking my place although you never sinned.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your family.

Now that you are in my life, I die to sin and evil.

I renounce my passions and carnal desires for love of you.

I declare that today I resurrect a spiritual life with you.

I will look for the things above, where you are sitting at the right hand of God.

There I will find health for my body.

There I will find hope for my loneliness.

There I will find love in exchange for the rejection I received.

There I will find strength for my soul in the midst of anguish.

There I will find prosperity instead of failure, poverty and misery.

This and much more I will find in your presence.

I dispose my mind to look for you and the life that you offer me.

I reject the materialistic and vain desires of the earth, because I took care of them and they let me down.

But your love, your comfort, your presence, your wisdom and your life conquer me, surround me, fill me ... and I want more from you.

I declare that as of today I am dead to the world and its passions, but I am alive for you and your projects.

My life is hidden and secure in your powerful arms of love.

Thank you my Lord!



How good that you have made this prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ!

But if this is the first time that you are praying to God, then I want to invite you to say another prayer. A VERY IMPORTANT prayer.

This prayer will not only bless your present, but also your future, even your eternity; do today...

Prayer #1

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