God, help me change my life!

If now you came to that moment in your existence where you realize that your life is wrong, very bad; Then it's time to pray and say, "God, help me change my life!"

These biblical passages are the inspiration because they tell the story of the creation of the Earth; since the planet was messy and empty, until it became the home of millions of beautiful creatures, and of human beings.

Compare your own life with the transformation of the planet, and let God turn your mess into a beautiful garden, just as Eden was.

Note that this sentence is separated into 7 sections; each one represents a creation day that is read in Genesis.

All right, pray like this ...


I approach you today because my life is messy and empty.

Darkness surrounds me, I don't see roads or horizons.

But inside of me I know that you exist and move, I know that you are there.

God, bring your light into my life because I want to separate myself from the darkness.

I can't even distinguish your voice from the voice of the world around me.

Help me to recognize you, to raise my eyes of faith and see all the good that comes from Heaven.

There is so much disorder in my life; I feel that everything I am and what I have drowns.

Please separate the waters that drown everything from my land.

Bless me so that my land can bear good and abundant fruits.

Lor, all my days are the same, I don't know what, when, or how to finish something; I don't know the limits or the prudence.

Please give me wisdom to understand the signs you give me.

I need your light and your guide for every day, for every time and season of my life.

Bless me Oh God, so that my whole world is filled with life.

Now my being is empty, but I don't want to live like this anymore.

I want to have life in my house, life in my work, life with my loved ones, life with friends, life here and life there, life everywhere.

Fill me with life, oh good Lord!

Can clean heart reigns in me and renews a right spirit within me.

I want to be a new person, a being made in your image, I want to be as you are.

Give me your authority to reign over all that you have given me, over all the talents, abilities and opportunities there are for me.

Bless me with the right company, with someone with whom I can form a marriage and a family.

Bless us so that we can bear fruit, multiply, fill our earth and rule with your wisdom.

Oh God, finish the work you have begun in my life.

Then let's rest together, you and I, so that in my life the peace of your presence lives.

In that rest I will bless you, I will praise you and give you thanksgiving for all the work you have done in me.

I ask you in the name of Jesus,


It's good that you prayed "God, Help me Change my Life!".

But if this is the first time that you are praying to God, then I want to invite you to say a VERY IMPORTANT prayer.

This prayer will not only bless your present, but also your future, even your eternity; do today...

Prayer #1

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