3 Wedding Prayers

These wedding prayers are written to be done in public. If you prefer to do them in private then you can change from plural to singular; for example, instead of "we come before you," say "I come before you."

All of them are inspired by successful marriages that you can find in the Bible.

Here are some prayer options.

Read them all and choose the one that touched your heart most to pray at the right time of the wedding.

Modify what is necessary to adjust to the needs of each couple; However, be careful not to alter the teaching offered by each line.

Let's start with this prayer inspired by ...

Blessed Jehovah God of love,

We come before you to bless this new marriage.

We bless you to become a couple as were Abraham and Sarah, exemplary marriage of the Bible.

That together they go out to discover, inhabit and possess the land that you have prepared for them.

That they always know how to agree on the decisions they should make as a couple.

That they judge with maturity and determination among the options they have to decide.

Bless everything they decide to do within your will.

That no person be a woman, prince or king, or anything be gold, silver or possessions, can never separate or destroy them.

On the contrary, be this union prospered by you even through the life and possessions of others.

Be obedient to your voice and rewarded with your great promises of blessing.

That they know how to wait for patients in the fulfillment of your promises and thus achieve successes and miracles worthy of praise.

Keep them from considering options and alternatives that are not yours.

Be flexible to change and docile to your will to take new paths of prosperity.

Let them be visited by your Holy Spirit and receive confirmation of your good promises.

May they be blessed with children at the right time to continue the good teaching of their parents.

Be they believers in your voice, a couple of faith.

May they enjoy the fulfillment of your promises, may they enjoy and celebrate for the wonders you will do in them.

We ask this in the name of Jesus,

... Amen!

Great God of Love and Heavenly Father,

We appear before you today to bless this new marriage.

Let this union be like that of Jacob and Rachel according to the book of Genesis in the Bible.

A couple united not by coincidence, but by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

That the groom learn to love the bride as Jacob did, who took commitments and efforts to live forever with his beloved Rachel.
Listen, oh God, the prayer and the cries that these two sons of yours will make to you during their marriage, and be conducive to their needs.

May they be blessed in their entrances and exits.

Be blessed among your relatives and have peace and good relations with them.

May they be prosperous in their travels and comforted at rest.

Let their decisions in life be made in mutual consensus and blessed with your wisdom.

Let the groom be a protective, hardworking and faithful husband to his wife; and she be a wise, loving wife and exemplary mother of her children.

May your good promises of integral prosperity flow among them and may their children still inherit good.

Let this be an exemplary marriage in the midst of a society that needs inspiration; for the glory of your Name ...

Beloved God creator of all good,

We come today to bless the marriage of your children who begin a new stage in their lives.

They present themselves to you today seeking your blessing, and we humbly join them before you, and we bless them like this ...

May they join as of today as did Joseph and Mary, illustrious fathers of the Lord Jesus.

May they commit each other and from the heart not to be more than two independent persons, but as of today, only one person!
May they be fair and faithful to each other, unable to harm themselves, but on the contrary, loving each other even in secret.

Speak to them Holy Spirit with all clarity, so that they make decisions according to your will.

That no confusing circumstances separate them, but that everything be clarified between them so that they always remain together.

May they be obedient to your words and your vision so that they achieve prosperity in everything they undertake.

Guide their steps Spirit of God, so that they escape from evil, live safely and protected by you.

May they enjoy the honor that their children will give them in the midst of society.

That whenever others visit this family, they find them united.

May their children be so full of wisdom, intelligence and grace from God, that even their parents marvel at them.

Be they the parents of children born to bring the good news of salvation to this society.

Be your eternal blessing upon them,


But if this is the first time you are praying to God, then I want to invite you to make another prayer. A VERY IMPORTANT prayer.

This prayer will not only bless your present, but also your future, even your eternity; do today ...



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