Christian Words of Encouragement - Receive the Forces of God

We all need encouragement and motivation to move forward, to get up every morning and do our activities; that is why these Christian Breath Words will become an engine of faith for your soul.

They are adaptations of some famous biblical verses, which are also mentioned at the end of each idea.

As you read and receive encouragement, say AMEN to everything that touches your heart.

What's more, personalize the text for you; For example, the first lines can say: "I am part of a chosen race ... before I had not obtained mercy, but now I have it".

As you can see, now the text has even more meaning.

Very well, may God use these words to strengthen your faith ...

"You are part of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God's possession, so that you can proclaim the excellence of the one who called you from darkness to his marvelous light." In the past, you were not God's people, but now, yes, before, you had not obtained mercy, but now you have it.
- 1 Pedro 2:9-10

Now you are a daughter, a son, of God; and it has not yet been revealed what you will be. But we know that when it is revealed, you will be as it is; because you will see Him as He is.
- 1 Juan 3:2

God thinks of you, and his thoughts are of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope and a future.
- Jeremías 29:11

Oh! Test and see that Jehovah God is good. Blessed are you if you take refuge in him.
- Salmo 34:8

If Jehovah is your shepherd, nothing will be lacking.
It will make you lie down in green meadows, it will take you next to calm waters.
He will restore your soul.
He will guide you along the paths of justice for the sake of his name.
Even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will not fear evil, because God will be with you.
- Salmo 23: 1-4a

You did not know? Did not you hear it?
Jehovah, the eternal God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint. He is not tired. His understanding is inscrutable.
He will give you power when you are weak. He will increase your strength when you no longer have them. Even young people faint and get tired; and the boys fall completely; but you who wait for Jehovah, renew your strength. You will rise with wings like eagles. You will run, and you will not get tired. You will walk, and you will not faint.
- Isaías 40:28-31

God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control.
- 2 Timoteo 1:7

Do not be afraid, because God is with you.
Do not be discouraged, because God will strengthen you.
He will help you. Yes, he will defend you with the right hand of his justice.
- Isaías 41:10

No man can be before you every day of your life. As God was with Moses, so He will be with you. It will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and brave; and you and yours will inherit the good land that God promised. Only be strong and very brave. Make sure you keep all the commandments God has commanded you. Do not deviate to the right, or to the left; so you can succeed wherever you go. Let the Bible not depart from your mouth, but meditate on it day and night, so you do according to what is written in it; because then your path will prosper, and then you will have good success.
- Josué 1:5-9

Have it for joy, when you are tempted, knowing that the test of your faith produces resistance. Let the resistance do its perfect work, so that you can be complete and perfect, without missing anything.
- Santiago 1:2-4

Do not be dismayed, even if you fall outside; in your interior, renew yourself day after day. Because this slight momentary affliction works in your favor more and more, in pursuit of an eternal weight of glory; as long as you do not look at the things that are seen, but those that are not. Because the things that are seen are temporary, but the things that are not seen are eternal.
- 2 Corintios 4:16-18

Therefore, remain firm, immovable, always abounding in the work of God, because you know that your work for Him is not in vain.
- 1 Corintios 15:58

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you continue to believe, so that you abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Romanos 15:13

Remember, love God, love your neighbor; and all things will work together for your good."
- Romanos 8:28


Good thing you've read these Christian Breath Words!.

But if this is the first time you are receiving encouragement from God, then I want to invite you to pray. A VERY IMPORTANT prayer.

This prayer will not only bless your present, but also your future, even your eternity; do today ...

Prayer #1


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