Prayer to Put Out Fires

The flames are devouring everything in their path, so let's pray together to put out fires.

This catastrophe will affect human beings, animals and vegetation.

Who caused it? Was it lightning, an accident, or was it intentional?

That doesn't matter now, what we need is a miracle.

Pray like this...

Prayer to Put Out Fires
Heavenly Father,

Today I join thousands who are praying for the fire to be put out in (mention the place).

This area is a magnificent work of your hand, a marvel of your creation.

Now the wonder you created is suffering; the trees suffer, the animals suffer and the inhabitants of that region suffer.

But tomorrow, we will all suffer, because if these flames do not go out, we will lose a vital lung for this region.

The human race is so fragile oh Lord, if those precious trees are consumed, what can we replenish them with?

Have mercy, O Lord, and send your rain, send abundant water from heaven to put out the voracious flames.

Send a storm of blessings so that the evil that advances is stopped by the waters of your mercy.

I and all of us who get up to pray say:

Fire, be turned off!

Clouds, start raining and stop the destructive fire!

In the name of Jesus!



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