Prayer to Start Classes

This Prayer to Begin Classes is for the student and/or teacher who will ask for God's blessing.

With this prayer you will invoke the presence of the Lord in the middle of the class so that the day may be blessed, and so that the year may be successful.

Therefore, you can use this prayer to pray every day before starting classes, or on the first day of the academic year.

Adapt the words of this prayer to the needs of the group, be it school, college, university, or another study environment; You can even ask several people to pray different parts so that several participate.

Very well, pray like this...

Prayer to Start Classes

We start classes and we need your blessing.

Bless us with your presence in our midst, and give us intelligence in our minds.

Join us in the studies, with you we will be strong and we will not fear challenges in letters and sciences.

We trust in you, O Lord, with all our hearts, and we do not rely on our own intelligence.

Your will be done with our talents and abilities; and lead us on the right path of excellence.

You are with us, therefore help us to turn away from evil, because this is the beginning of wisdom.

Holy Spirit, teach us all things, especially the most difficult topics and subjects to understand.

Lord, we love you, therefore we ask that all things work for our good, because we will do your will.

Help us to do everything with humility, not out of selfish ambition or vanity, but considering others as valuable classmates.

Help us to study in peace, without worrying about anything, presenting our prayers in the face of all challenges, and giving thanks because you will support us.

Help us study, do practical work and presentations with our best effort, as if it were for you.

We start classes with your presence among us, so we will have the best year of studies.

In the name of Jesus,


Based on these Bible verses: Joshua 1:9, Proverbs 3:5-6, Proverbs 9:10, John 14:26, Romans 8:28, Philippians 2:3-4, Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:23, James 1:5.


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If these lines touched your heart, we encourage you to make another prayer now before you leave this blog. This next prayer is the MOST IMPORTANT PRAYER you could ever make. Please follow this next link to make...


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