3 Christmas prayers based on the Bible

On this page you will find 3 Christmas prayers that you can do when you meet for dinner and share with your family, brothers and friends.

Choose the one you like best and adapt it to your style. You can also combine or merge them all.

Actually, there are no rules, it's all about celebrating and remembering that one day Jesus the Son of God was born among us.

Here you have the first ...

Prayer 1
Basada en Mateo 1:18-24

Dear God, this Christmas we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Thank you for choosing your mother Maria. Because your great wisdom saw in her a virgin woman, healthy to conceive and holy to be the mother of Jesus.

Thank you for Joseph your husband, who was a fair man. Worth being visited by an angel. Who showed obedience to your voice to receive his wife and accept to guide the child as if he were his natural father.

Thank you for this family you created because they all motivate us and inspire us to live holy lives and be better children of yours.

Thank you for Jesus, for saving us from our sins and because thanks to Him and his redemptive work, you oh God are with us today.



Prayer 2
Based on Matthew 2:1-14

Dear Heavenly Father, we meet today to celebrate Christmas, the birth of your son Jesus our savior.

Thank you for the arrival of those wise men who sought Jesus to worship him, and to celebrate his birth with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.

Thank you for that star you used as a guide to bring these men from far eastern lands.

Be exalted mighty God because you stopped that star above the manger of the Messiah; to testify to all that the Great King was born.

Thank you for choosing the city of Bethlehem in the land of Judah. Because even though she was the smallest in Israel, the Good Shepherd left her to lead Israel and the whole world to a full life with you my God.

Today is a day of celebration for your blessed birth Jesus!



Prayer 3
Based on Luke 1:26-38

Dear Heavenly Father, we meet today to celebrate another year of the birth of your son Jesus among us.

Thank you for sending the angel Gabriel as messenger of your great plan to the virgin Mary.

Thank you for choosing Mary, a woman obedient to your voice, a very favored daughter of yours, because you were with her, blessed is among women because she found grace before God. Thank you for letting your Holy Spirit come upon her and may your power cover her with her shadow; something that had never happened before nor will happen again.

Thank you for giving you health and strength to conceive and give birth to your son Jesus. Thank God for allowing your firstborn and beloved son to be born for our salvation. For although he is great, son of the Most High, heir to the throne of David and his kingdom has no end; He became like us to reach your mercy and eternal forgiveness.

Glory to you our Lord, because this Christmas is new and different with your presence among us.


Good thing you've done these 3 Christmas prayers!

Now, did you know that as important as the birth of Jesus at that time is that Jesus be born also in your heart? 

- How do you do this?

Follow this link and I will guide you to pray for the Lord to enter your life; I call her...

The Prayer #1


What do you think of these 3 Christmas prayers?

Which one will you do this year?

Favor Leave your comments on the walls below.

Thank you!

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