Night Prayer - To find Peace after a Difficult Day

The end of the day is an excellent time to talk to God, and this night prayer will be a base that will inspire you.

This prayer is ideal for you who end the day tired and charged.

Instead of going round and round without being able to sleep, you better raise your prayer and open your heart to the one who loves your soul; to God your Creator.

Let Him comfort your brokenness, calm your anxiety and give you hope that tomorrow will be a day of victory.

Let's pray ...

"Celestial father,

I come to you to close this day in your presence.

To you I raise my hands in prayer; and I pray for your mercy for me and my loved ones.

Don't let me stumble in life. Take care of me even while I sleep.

I need to find rest for my soul, and only you can give it to me.

Although the day ends with tears, I know that your mercy will make me wake up with joy tomorrow.

I look up to see who will help me, and I see that I can only trust you.

I don't know what will happen on the next day, I just know that you are my hope.

Thank you my beloved God, because you take care of me. I can trust you.

In the name of Jesus,



Good thing you did this night prayer!.

But if this is the first time you are praying to God, then I want to invite you to make another prayer. A VERY IMPORTANT prayer.

This prayer will not only bless your present, but also your future, even your eternity; do today ...

Prayer #1



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